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In Australia, there is a company that seems very similar to Arintra: BetterConsult (https://au.betterconsult.com/). I am a doctor but have used this a couple of times as a patient and the main problem is that the doctor paid no attention to it (however, that is a small sample size).

As a doctor, I can see the benefit in it (mainly, reducing the time to write notes). And it would have greater benefit if there was a way for the patient to have the information stored on the application (such as their past medical history and current medications). Looking further into the future, this might be the way two problems can be solved: (1) giving patients more control over their health information and (2) enabling every member of the team (i.e. primary care, specialists, emergency doctors, allied health) to have the same information.

With respect to problem 2: I am not sure about the US, but this is a big problem in Australia where many hospitals remain paper-based and there are only a couple of instances in which information can be shared between different systems (in other words, most of the time you are relying on the information in your own system or having to start from scratch).

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